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New posts in gradle

Fix Gradle incompatibility issue when importing Android sample project

How to fetch the version number from defaultConfig in gradle?

Use gradle to run the touch command on a file

gradle touch

Why is Gradle ignoring groupId/artifactId?


Gradle custom task only applied to certain subprojects?

Jenkins and gradle artifactory integration -- authentication

jenkins gradle artifactory

Not specifying Gradle minor version


copy release aar file after succeful build

Externalize the sonar configuration properties to gradle.properties file in user home

gradle sonarqube

Paid and Free versions of android app

Gradle Skip Test

Does gradle download a fresh copy of dependencies for each new project?

Set static variable from Gradle on build-time

Publishing war file to artifactory using gradle

Failed to Sync Gradle, could not find com.android.support:support-annotations:23.3.0

android gradle butterknife

After upgrade for Android Studio 2.1.1 Error:(30, 13)

android gradle

Conditionally add <activity> tag on AndroidManifest.xml using Gradle

Gradle : How to ignore failure to resolve a specific dependency

How to get ABI name in Gradle outputs iterator

android gradle

How include git branch name in apk file name automatically

android git gradle