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New posts in gradle-kotlin-dsl

versionCodeOverride equivalent for Gradle Kotlin DSL

Check for dependencies update with kotlin-dsl

kotlin gradle-kotlin-dsl

Gradle: share repository configuration between settings.gradle.kts and buildSrc/build.gradle.kts

gradle gradle-kotlin-dsl

Adds an implementation dependency only to the "free" product flavor in Kotlin DSL

how to configure build.gradle.kts to fix error "Duplicate JVM class name generated from: package-fragment"

0% Coverage in the SonarQube report for the Kotlin project

execute JavaExec task using gradle kotlin dsl

The Hilt Android Gradle plugin is applied but no com.google.dagger:hilt-android dependency was found

Flyway and gradle kotlin dsl

How to run kotlintest tests using the Gradle Kotlin DSL?

Configure Jacoco with gradle and kotlin DSL

Android subprojects with Kotlin DSL

Adding integration tests to Kotlin project using the Kotlin Gradle DSL

Build folder not generating in android studio project

Cannot access 'com.android.build.gradle.internal.dsl.Lockable' on Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Canary 12

IDEA reports errors in build.gradle.kts while command line gradle run succeeds

Gradle kotlin how to call function defined in parent?

Configure plugin in separate file using Kotlin DSL

gradle gradle-kotlin-dsl