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Adds an implementation dependency only to the "free" product flavor in Kotlin DSL

I am in process of migrating our Groovy based scripts to Kotlin. I have been able to get most of done except not sure how to add a dependency for a particular flavour. This is how looks like in Kotlin DSL so far but not sure why the freeImplementation("bar:2.2.8")

 productFlavors {
    create("free") {
    create("paid") {

dependencies {


    // This is not working when migrated to Kotlin DSL

    //Below was the code in Groovy which was working fine earlier 
    //freeImplementation "bar:2.2.8"

like image 227
Bulu Avatar asked Aug 22 '18 12:08


1 Answers

Below is the solution for it.

 val freeImplementation by configurations
    dependencies {

Alternatively, a string literal can be used to denote a dynamic configuration:

dependencies {
like image 90
Bulu Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 23:11
