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Build folder not generating in android studio project

Migrated to gradle kotlin dsl and ever since running the project from android studio fails to generate a build folder and an apk. Build succeeds but installation fails with the message:

The APK file /Users/user/AndroidStudioProjects/project/app/build/outputs/apk/Stage/debug/stage-debug.apk does not exist on disk.
Error while Installing APK

This build folder is not being generated at all. Before migrating to gradle kotlin dsl, apk would be picked from build/intermediates/.....splitapk.apk

I am using android studio 3.4 RC3

like image 414
Nishita Avatar asked Apr 24 '19 10:04


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Android Studio stores the projects by default in the home folder of the user under AndroidStudioProjects. The main directory contains configuration files for Android Studio and the Gradle build files.

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The top-level build.gradle file, located in the root project directory, defines dependencies that apply to all modules in your project. By default, the top-level build file uses the plugins block to define the Gradle dependencies that are common to all modules in the project.

Where is build APK stored?

In the Android menu, go to Build > Build Bundle(s) / APK (s) > Build APK(s). Android Studio will start building the APK for you. Once done, a pop-up on the bottom right will notify you of its completion. Click the 'locate' button in this dialog.

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Yes, you can delete the Build folder. If you are running Windows and you are not able to delete the folder, make sure you are the owner of the folder. Go to folder properties/security and check if your name is listed as the owner.

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The Project tool window provides a simple tree interface with files and nested folders that you can toggle. When you create an application in Android Studio, you find that the project is divided into an App folder and Gradle scripts. The App folder contains three subfolders ( manifests, java and res) that make up your application.

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Creating in the app in Android Studio does not create the web folder. I'm up to date as well. Perhaps this is more Android Studio than Flutter. Thanks. Sorry, something went wrong. The Flutter team cannot make further progress on this issue until the original reporter responds.

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Step 1: To create a new package inside the Src folder in Android studio open your project in Android mode first as shown in the below image. Step 2: Now go to the java > right-click > New > Package as shown in the below image. Step 3: Then a pop-up screen will arise like below and here select the main\java and click on OK.

How to build APK files in Android Studio?

Apk files are built using the gradle build system, which is integrated in the Android Studio. When we start an app, the gradle build scripts are automatically created. If you have special requirements for your project, you can specify these requirements here.

1 Answers

Project View,Show Options Menu->Show Excluded Files

like image 106
HalZhang Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10
