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New posts in gradient-descent

Logistic regression - Calculating cost function returns wrong results

Gradient descent stochastic update - Stopping criterion and update rule - Machine Learning

How to include a custom filter in a Keras based CNN?

How to implement mini-batch gradient descent in python?

Why is Loss of SGD for a dataset is not matching the pytorch code with the scratch python code for linear regression?

The grad function in both the {pracma} and the {numDeriv} libraries of R gives erroneous results

r gradient-descent

How to get a gradient node with mxnet.jl and Julia?

keras loss jumps to zero randomly at the start of a new epoch

tf.gradients() sums over ys, does it?

Tensorflow understanding tf.train.shuffle_batch

Multi variable gradient descent

theano hard_sigmoid() breaks gradient descent

Steepest descent to find the solution to a linear system with a Hilbert matrix

Why doesn't my custom made linear regression model match sklearn?

TypeError: minimize() missing 1 required positional argument: 'var_list'

Why does Pytorch autograd need a scalar?

Write Custom Python-Based Gradient Function for an Operation? (without C++ Implementation)