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New posts in gradient-descent

Gradient calculation in Hamming loss for multi-label classification

Rescaling after feature scaling, linear regression

Programing Logistic regression with Stochastic gradient descent in R

Implementing gradient descent in TensorFlow instead of using the one provided with it

Spark mllib predicting weird number or NaN

Difference between GradientDescentOptimizer and AdamOptimizer in tensorflow?

Multi variable gradient descent in matlab

Understanding softmax classifier

Why my Gradient is wrong (Coursera, Logistic Regression, Julia)?

Steepest descent spitting out unreasonably large values

The gradient of an output w.r.t network weights that holds another output constant

How to obtain the convex curve for weights vs loss in a neural network [closed]

TensorFlow: How can I inspect gradients and weights in eager execution?

Loss with custom backward function in PyTorch - exploding loss in simple MSE example

What's different about momentum gradient update in Tensorflow and Theano like this?

Are there alternatives to backpropagation?

What is the default batch size of pytorch SGD?

Logistic Regression Gradient Descent [closed]

Will larger batch size make computation time less in machine learning?

TensorFlow's ReluGrad claims input is not finite