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New posts in google-glass

Way to nest multiple voice triggers when launching an app with GDK

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How to Navigate a Google Glass GDK Immersion Application using Voice Command only?

How can I get audio output from Google Glass to a 3.5mm headphone jack? [closed]


Google Glass bone conduction transducer as input device?


How to debug Google Glass GDK application?

Google Glass is not listed as Android Device by ADB

Is there any way to run glassware in an emulator?

Android Media Recorder not recording long videos on Google Glass

Using Android Speech Recognition APIs from Google Glass

Google Glass: GDK with Android Studio

Is it possible to play with Google Mirror API without having the device?

What is the correct Device Definition for Google Glass (for a simulator in Eclipse or Android studio)?


Google Glass GDK: Progress Indicator?

google-glass google-gdk

Prevent Google Glass from Auto-Uploading Photos

privacy google-glass

Why is my voice command missing from the ok glass menu in XE16?

google-glass google-gdk

Is there an Android based Google Glass Emulator?

android google-glass