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Way to nest multiple voice triggers when launching an app with GDK

Is there a way to nest voice triggers when launching an app on Google Glass using the GDK? For example instead of just saying "ok, glass" -> "What's its power level?" I'd like to have the app present an option. For example "ok, glass" -> "What's its power level?" -> "Over 9000" OR "Under 9000". Any help would be great!

like image 854
Sevros Avatar asked Nov 21 '13 06:11


1 Answers

If you have multiple activities/services installed on Glass that have the same voice trigger intent filter, all of their names (based on the android:label attribute of the <activity> or <service> tag in AndroidManifest.xml) will appear in a disambiguation "submenu" when you speak that voice trigger.

For example (assume that res/xml/play_a_game_trigger.xml represents a voice trigger for the string "play a game"):

<activity android:label="Tennis">
        <action android:name="com.google.android.glass.action.VOICE_TRIGGER" />
    <meta-data android:name="com.google.android.glass.VoiceTrigger"
        android:resource="@xml/play_a_game_trigger" />
<activity android:label="Bowling">
        <action android:name="com.google.android.glass.action.VOICE_TRIGGER" />
    <meta-data android:name="com.google.android.glass.VoiceTrigger"
        android:resource="@xml/play_a_game_trigger" />

would give you a voice menu flow that looks like

ok glass → play a game → Tennis

Do note, however, that this menu would also include activities/services from other APKs that use the same voice trigger as well.

You can find more details at the Voice Input page of the GDK documentation.

like image 82
Tony Allevato Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 13:10

Tony Allevato