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How can I get audio output from Google Glass to a 3.5mm headphone jack? [closed]



Glass recently released headphones and a mono ear bud. This implies that it is capable of producing an audio signal from the Micro USB port.

Is it possible to create an adapter for Glass to connect to a standard audio connector, such as a 3.5mm headphone cable?

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Brandyn White Avatar asked Nov 02 '13 01:11

Brandyn White

People also ask

Can headphone jack be used as audio in and out?

No you cannot. The headphone jack is only output.

How can I play music on my phone without a headphone jack?

To connect headphones to a smartphone without a jack, use the combined headphone jack and charging port or Bluetooth headphones. Most smartphones have a combined headphone jack and a charging port. Use an adapter if the headphones don't fit in the smartphone's charging port.

Why do phones not have headphone jacks anymore?

The jack also limits how thin phones can be, although how much thinner phones need to be from a consumer point of view is an open question. Apart from incredible thinness, dumping the headphone jack makes it easier to waterproof a device. It's one major source of ingress no one has to worry about anymore.

1 Answers

If you're handy with a soldering iron, it's pretty easy to make an adapter. Solder a 500k ohm resistor between pins 4 and 5 (ID and GND).

You'll need the following parts:

  • A microUSB headset adapter with all 5 pins, like this one on Amazon.
  • A 500k ohm resistor
  • Knowledge about the pinout of the Micro-B usb connector. Wikipedia describes it pretty well.

Once you have them, follow these instructions:

  1. Open up the headset adapter and take a look around. If you ordered the one linked above, you'll find pins 4 and 5 connected by a solder bridge, but if you have a different one you may find a something else, like a resistor.
  2. Desolder pin 4 if you need to.
  3. Solder the 500k ohm resistor between pins 5 (GND) and 4 (ID).
like image 113
mimming Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 11:11
