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New posts in google-glass

Specific locations and menu items for each bundled card

How to update the image on my Glassware contact?

How to publish and reveal Static Card from Glass GDK?

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GDK picture intent gets stuck on Tap to accept

google-glass google-gdk

Recording Audio on Google Glass

Can we have different menu items for cards formed using htmlPages attribute of the timeline?

How to launch app on Google Glass with Voice Command [closed]

How can I start an intent from a card in Google Glass

Google Glass GDK Tap Gesture

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Is it possible to have Android Voice Recognition (as a custom service) on Google Glass?

Is there an error on the Google Glass LiveCard sample code on the Developer Guides?

ListVIew on Google Glass

android list google-glass

Android BLE: cannot write a Characteristic (no PROPERTY_WRITE)

Use voice input for mirror-api cards?

Is it possible to take a photo using Google Glass without "tap to accept"?

How can I determine if my code is running on Google Glass?

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Is TextToSpeech supported on Google Glass?

What is the corresponding keyboard keys to Google Glass touchpad actions?

GDK / APK for Google Glass - Keep screen from dimming

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Google Glass GDK: How to Communicate with Android Device