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Google Glass Sample APKs

Detect Google Glass Programmatically

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Glass camera preview display is garbled

How to scan a QR code using Google Glass?

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How to get last location on Glass reliably?

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Google Glass Camera Autofocus?

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Glassware auth: android.accounts.OperationCanceledException "Sharing credentials is not allowed: canceling."

Create "ok glass" style menu, within glass app

How to override camera button of Google Glass

How can I launch Directions from GDK

Why does saving a bitmap take so long?

How to send your .apk Glass Application for your client to see?

Can I test a program for Google Glass without Google Glass?

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Adding the "ok glass contextual voice menu" within an immersion activity

Unity3D + Glass Development Kit Preview

Coding for Google's Project Glass, is learning Google Android for mobile the way to go? [closed]

Force delete a Google Glass GDK Glassware App

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Glass voice command nearest match from given list

BroadcastReceiver onReceive() not Called when registered dynamically

Google Glass GDK Theme for XML layout

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