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How to scan a QR code using Google Glass?

I want to create a Google glass application in which i want to scan a QR code.

I went through this post but i couldn't get clear idea.

Read QR code

Can anyone please direct me how to scan a QR code and get its content in Google Glass.


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ravi Avatar asked Jan 09 '14 11:01


1 Answers

Instructions are using Android Development version of Eclipse.

Glass is running a version of Android 4.0.3. You can slideload an app using an .apk

This project, Barcode Eye, ports the ZXing project to Google Glass https://github.com/BarcodeEye/BarcodeEye

After you clone the repo, add GDK, and build you can port it to your device.

It has hooks for Amazon, Ebay and Google in it already

like image 70
StanleyZheng Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10
