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Does mgo's insert method change field names from upper case to lower case?

mongodb go mgo

Allowing for a variable number of return values in method declaration


trap os.Exit in golang


Parse .doc & .docx for get all text using golang?

go ms-word docx doc

mongo aggregation query with mgo driver

usage of interface{} on a struct to check if it satisfies an interface in golang

go interface

Go: Bessel functions

go bessel-functions

Why does the golang place the type specifier "after" the variable name?


Debugging a JSON error from Golang

json go

Parse req.body in POST request

post go

How to unmarshal dynamic json objects with Golang

json go dynamic unmarshalling

Golang: How do I decrypt with DES, CBC, and PKCS7?

go base64 des pkcs#7 cbc-mode

How to return hash and bytes in one step in Go?

file go hash

Using go build but I also see the -test flags

testing go build flags

Is there a jq wrapper for golang that can produce human readable JSON output?

json go jq

Golang ambiguous err redefinition

go definition

How to handle case sensitive import collisions


Cross compile shared libraries

Golang using lowercase for first letter in Struct property

mysql templates web go

GET blob from sql database Golang
