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New posts in global-variables

JavaScript .push() inside function is overriding global variable

How does one avoid accidentally redeclaring global constants in C++?

How can I declare a property inside a method?

Alternative to singleton for unique resources

Recursive functions and global vs. local variables

Defining Global Variables Between Two .cpp Files

c++ global-variables

Why doesn't my javascript function throw up an error?

jQuery - make global variable available to multiple plugins

lua variables scope

Redefined Global variable

Global variables reset automatically

vba excel global-variables

In a C program, is it possible to reset all global variables to default vaues?

c global-variables

Is there any way to make a variable length array global in c++?

Global variables inside functions value is NULL

Make A javascript variable only avaliable to functions on the same .js file

iOS: Best way to have a global string - as for a notification name

Reading and writing global variables across scripts in PHP

How to avoid using global variables?

Python function parameter as a global variable

How to setup a global container (C++03)?