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New posts in gitignore

Git: File that must be distributed, but ignored / not reuploaded? [duplicate]

git -- handling frozen content

Git ignore all except subfolder

git magento gitignore

Git - how to unignore a file [duplicate]

git gitignore

filtering of files and paths from gitignore

c# git gitignore

.git/info/exclude replacement for git submodule?

git gitignore

Why is .gitignore not including a file prefixed by a !

git include gitignore

Possible implications of of adding *.sdf files to .gitignore

How to make git ignore changes to submodules by default

.gitignore - ignore file starting with ~

regex git gitignore

Visual Studio ignores *.jfm entry in the gitIgnore file

Forward slash in Gitignore files

git gitignore

How do I push files specified in .gitignore?

Git keeps adding bin and obj files even though there is an ignorefile

git gitignore

Netbeans and Git, .obj files ignored

ignore all _notes directories with GIT

git dreamweaver gitignore

How to ignore all dist folders except the one?

git gitignore

GWT .hgignore / .gitignore entries

How to make git ignore temporary files created by MS Office (starting with ~$)

git gitignore

Different robots.txt for staging server on Heroku