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Android studio gitignore won't ignore .iml

android git gitignore

Unity Git - Ignore Library

How can I ignore dist folder in .gitignore file? [duplicate]

Which reporting services file types are safe to ignore on git?

ignore certain files in all folders using a single .gitignore file

git gitignore

Confusing .gitignore syntax

git mercurial gitignore

Change default gitignore file when creating a new project

android-studio gitignore

Git, ignore folder except for some files with certain extension

Trying to use .gitignore file to ignore .log files [duplicate]

git github latex gitignore

How to edit gitignore file

linux git ubuntu gitignore

Git subtree not properly using .gitignore when doing a partial clone

GIT: How to keep ignored files when switching branches?

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github new repo .gitignore CSharp missing

github gitignore

gitignore - Ignore all file types except specified ones

git gitignore

How to config gitignore?

git github gitignore

.gitignore blank in Windows Explorer

windows git gitignore

Adding all "error_log" files to .gitignore

php git gitignore error-log

gitignore all files (specific filetype) in a directory and subdirectories [duplicate]

git gitignore