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New posts in gitignore

Multiple .gitignore in subfolders

git gitignore subdirectory

Git: how to exclude a subfolder in a repository?

git gitignore

Can I gitignore files with a prefix?

git gitignore prefix

Git: How to ignore changes to a tracked file?

git config gitignore

Why is applicationhost.config still being added to source control even thought it's in gitignore

Git Status - How to exclude unwanted folder's content to be shown when I execute 'git status' command

git gitignore git-status

git status is showing "Changes not staged for commit" for files listed in .gitignore?

git gitignore

Why do people put the .env into gitignore?

git laravel gitignore

.gitignore isn't ignoring itself [duplicate]

git gitignore

Where is .gitignore_global saved on OS X?

git macos gitignore

Git ignore .git folder

Conditional Gitignore

Should I add .idea/assetWizardSettings.xml to gitignore?

android xml kotlin gitignore

How can I untrack files in Git according to my .gitignore file?

git gitignore

Should .nyc_output be included in .gitignore?

git gitignore istanbul nyc

Environment variables locally and Heroku

Visual Studio gitignore and mdf, ldf files

vsts new repo has a gitignore option for many platforms/languages but not .net/c#

Git ignore file for VB.NET projects

git vb.net gitignore ignore

Gitignore not ignoring some build files in Android library

android git github gitignore