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New posts in git-submodules

darcs equivalent for git's submodules?

git-submodules darcs

Add subproject as usual folder to repository

Git submodule update from post-receive hook

How do I append one git history to another?

modified content in git submodule, but git submodule says up to date

git git-submodules

Git submodules workflow issues

git git-submodules

How to make git ignore changes to submodules by default

What is the difference between "git submodule foreach git pull origin master" and "git pull origin master --recurse-submodules"

Changing git module branch

Why does git say 'Changes not staged for commit' and indicate the submodule folder?

git git-submodules

Submodule's files are not checked out

git git-submodules

Git submodule mess: how to use git submodules with developers not familiar with git?

windows git git-submodules

How to add an existing nested repo (already checked out in a subdir) to a parent Git repo as a submodule?

My project uses over 100 git submodules, which submodule alternative can handle a lot of repositories gracefully

Error while checking out git repository with submodules

git rm -r --cached not removing submodule folder and contents

git git-submodules

Unable to push to heroku after removing submodule

git heroku git-submodules

Android Studio - Invalid VCS Root Mapping when using "New Project from Version Control"