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New posts in git-submodules

Git repo inside repo [duplicate]

git git-submodules

Fatal Error when updating submodule using GIT

git github ssh git-submodules

git submodule modified files status

git git-submodules

What goes wrong when using git worktree with git submodules

How to "resolve fatal: Not a git repository"?

git git-submodules

Unable to track files within Git submodules

git add git-submodules

Why does git fail to fetch specific valid submodule for a given commit and how to fix it?

Git nested submodules and dependencies

git git-submodules

How to checkout old git commit including all submodules recursively?

git git-submodules

git submodule update --remote vs git pull

git git-submodules

Continue looping over submodules with the "git submodule foreach" command after a non-zero exit

git bash git-submodules

Git submodule URL not including username?

git git-submodules

How do I git clone --recursive and checkout master on all submodules in a single line?

git git-submodules

Is there a way to use a Mercurial repository as Git submodule?

.gitignore files added inside Git submodules

'git submodule update --init --recursive' VS 'git submodule foreach --recursive git submodule update --init'

git git-submodules

Using someone else's repo as a Git Submodule on GitHub

git submodule update vs git submodule sync

git git-submodules

How to see which commit a git submodule points at

How to make an existing directory within a git repository a git submodule