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New posts in git-rewrite-history

How to rewrite Git history so that all files are in a subdirectory?

remove file from all git history

How can I remove the history of one file in git, leaving only the most recent version?

git git-rewrite-history

Make git `replace` commits permanent (or such)

Git commands that could break/rewrite the history

Remove a lot of files in git filter-branch

Rebase entire development branch onto new master branch

Automatically rewrite full git history to get rid of simple merge commits

git git-rewrite-history

Git Merge Duplication after Ineffective BFG Use

How do I reduce the size of a bloated Git repo by non-interactively squashing all commits except for the most recent ones?

How to merge several Git repos into one and interleave histories

git git-rewrite-history

How to permanently delete a commit from Git's history?

git git-rewrite-history

Undo git commit in Rstudio that is too big to push

BFG Repo Cleaner – Alternative to Fresh Clone

Change commit message for specific commit

remove all binary files recursively from git repo and commit history

git git-rewrite-history

Really flatten a git merge

Git how to prevent local modification of public commits

git git-rewrite-history

How to delete one folder / directory using BFG repo cleaner?

git: can't find blob - want to get rid of it from pack

git git-rewrite-history