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New posts in git-revert

How to revert a merge which used strategy=ours?

git git-merge git-revert

Revert all commits by a specific author since specific time

git git-revert

Git shows (master|REVERTING) in command bar after reverting

git master git-revert

Avoid the effects of a revert commit in another Git branch while merging

git git-flow git-revert

Specify commit message with revert --continue

git git-revert

Git Branch newbie - How to reverse?

git git-branch git-revert

git selective revert (equivalent of `git revert --patch`)

git git-revert

How to cherry pick commits after they've been reverted?

Git: How to reset after merging?

git git-revert

What is the Difference Between Git Cherry-Pick and Git Revert? [closed]

Restore deleted file not staged in git

Revert back to specific commit in Git [duplicate]

git git-revert

git: revert all committed files in a directory to master

git git-revert

Git revert failed

git git-commit git-revert

In git, how do you revert a file back to 3 commits ago?

git git-revert

Why do I get conflicts when I do git revert?

git git-revert

git revert several specific commits

git conflict revert git-revert

Revert only a single file of a pushed commit

Git revert certain files

git git-revert

Composer revert packages