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Avoid the effects of a revert commit in another Git branch while merging

Working with git flow. We have a co-worker who is not familiar with Git that accidentally merged develop into master yesterday.

Develop has quite a few features that are launching with our next release, requiring a revert on the merge. This has created a commit which undoes all of the changes. When we merge master back into develop, the revert commit is removing code generated by our features.

What is the best way of going about being able to synchronize develop with master's hotfixes, while preserving the new features?

-- Edit -- Just to clarify, the revert was a revert. I.E. git revert -m 1 <sha>, as the commit had already been pushed to the remote repository.

Since posting this, I've come up with a possible fix, by branching master and reverting the revert, however I'm curious if there are other possibilities that may minimize collision.

like image 829
DivinusVox Avatar asked Jul 24 '13 21:07


People also ask

Does git revert affect other branches?

Revert cannot insert a commit into the history, nor change the original commit, so it affects the branches you want it to affect.

Does merging affect both branches?

No, merging does only affect one branch.

What happens when you revert a merge commit?

REVERTING THE MERGE COMMIT To revert the changes brought in by the feature branch, revert the commit with respect to the second parent (1484b1a). This will revert all the changes made by the second branch (feature) on master. The resulting tree will behave as the branch feature was never merged to master.

1 Answers

Something similar was happening with my team. I actually already have a relatively simple solution, I only found this thread because I was researching ways to prevent this from happening in the first place (still no solution for that).

Here's how I fix it, assuming child branch ("develop") was updated (commit M1) prior to "bad" merge (commit M2) with master:

Problem state

           ... <-- Work after revert that needs merged to develop
            R  <-- Revert Bad Merge
            A  <-- Commits after merge,
            |    /   but before revert 
           ... </    and needs merged to develop
           M2  <-"bad" merge
  ... ____/ |
   | /      |
   M1       |
   | \____  |
  ...     \...
develop   master 

Step 1

# Get latest from both parent and child branches locally

git checkout master
git pull
git checkout develop
git pull

# Merge all code from before revert in master branch to develop
# (not necessary if "bad" merge into master was immediately reverted)

git merge A

State after Step 1:

           ... <-- Work after revert that needs merged to develop
   M3       |
   | \____  R  <-- Revert Bad Merge
   |      \ |
   |        A  <-- Commits after merge,
   |        |    /   but before revert
   |       ... </    and needs merged to develop
   |        |
   |       M2  <-"bad" merge
  ... ____/ |
   | /      |
   M1       |
   | \____  |
  ...     \...
develop   master 


# Use "ours" strategy to merge revert commit to develop.
# This doesn't change any files in develop. 
# It simplly tells git that we've already accounted for that change.

git merge R -s ours

State after Step 2

   | \____  ... <-- Work after revert that needs merged to develop
   M3     \ |
   | \____  R  <-- Revert Bad Merge
   |      \ |
   |        A  <-- Commits after merge,
   |        |    /   but before revert
   |       ... </    and needs merged to develop
   |        |
   |       M2  <-"bad" merge
  ... ____/ |
   | /      |
   M1       |
   | \____  |
  ...     \...
develop   master 

Step 3

# Merge as normal, from the tip of master to develop.
# This should now be an "easy" merge, with only "real" conflicts.
#  (Those that have changed in both branches)
# Note: I've had issues using origin master to merge from latest on remote, 
#   so instead I just ensure I've pulled the latest from master locally and 
#   merge from there

git merge master

State after Step 3

   | \_____
   M4      \
   | \____  ... <-- Work after revert that needs merged to develop
   M3     \ |
   | \____  R  <-- Revert Bad Merge
   |      \ |
   |        A  <-- Commits after merge,
   |        |    /   but before revert
   |       ... </    and needs merged to develop
   |        |
   |       M2  <-"bad" merge
  ... ____/ |
   | /      |
   M1       |
   | \____  |
  ...     \...
develop   master 

Now develop is updated with the latest from master, without having had to resolve repetitive or meaningless merge conflicts. Future merges will behave as normal as well.

like image 167
kugo2006 Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 15:10
