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New posts in gesturedetector

Android GestureDetector with SimpleOnGestureListener within SurfaceView

Why GestureOverlayView is so slow?

GestureDetector cannot be resolved to a type

How to handle touch event for child view in parent view

Android - onScroll Gesture Detector

onFling for a TextView not working

Get selected item when double click on listview item

Android: Opening a ContextMenu from onLongPress in custom WebView

ScaleGestureDetector.OnScaleGestureListener.onScaleEnd() method not being hit

How to enable Scale in Android ScrollView in a way that doesn't prevent scrolling it and clicking on it's child items?

What is the difference between globalposition and localposition in flutter?

flutter gesturedetector

Flutters gesture detector onTap only fires on text child

flutter gesturedetector

SimpleOnGestureListener code not working in Android 2.2

Flutter: Using both Pan and Scale gestures together?

Using GestureDetector to catch gestures of MaterialButton child

flutter gesturedetector

Android - Adding GestureDetector to webview

Nested GestureDetector OnTap Functions

flutter gesturedetector

How to attach GestureDetector to a ListPreference?

Android ViewFlipper that follows gestures immediately

GestureDetector and GestureDetectorCompat