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How do I install ruby gem libxml without 'extconf failure: need libxml2'

gem install ffi -v '1.1.5' osx 10.8

macos gem

Ruby Gem LoadError mysql2/mysql2 required

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Signing Ruby gem: Would s.signing_key in gemspec be removed when generating gem?

ruby gem

Installing gems on node heroku projects

How to ship a Sinatra application as a gem and deploy it?

deployment gem sinatra rack

Cannot install therubyracer

ruby ruby-on-rails-3 gem

problems installing nokogiri gem on mac osx snow leopard with Ruby 2.0.0-p353

macos gem nokogiri ruby-2.0

Deployment using Capistrano + Gitlab using via: remote_cache

Heroku compass buildpack compass fail

heroku gem compass-sass cedar

Require a gem outside the Gemfile

ruby gem bundler

Why aren't "gem" and "bundle" using the same libxml2?

ruby gem bundler libxml2

how do I repackage a ruby gem with native extensions

ruby gem package

Cannot install Rails gem on vagrant virtual CentOS Machine using Chef-Solo

Missing library while installing ruby-filemagic gem on Linux

ruby-on-rails ruby linux gem

Cannot use ruby-debug19 with 1.9.3-p0? [duplicate]

ruby gem rvm ruby-debug

programmatically determine if a certain gem is installed, then install it if not

ruby gem

Ruby on Rails, could not find a valid gem 'rails'

ruby-on-rails ruby gem

Compass doesn't work after update to OS X El Capitan (10.11) [duplicate]

Failed to build json (1.6.3) with native extension after I installed Xcode 4.2

ruby unix build makefile gem