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New posts in function-pointers

Why would cblas_dgemm and cblas_sgemm have different pointer types in a function pointer array?

Use of C's '...' parameter pack as C++ template value?

Function pointers to member functions in C++

Get AS3 instance method reference from Class object

Will casting away the parameters on a function pointer with default value parameters work?

Is there a way to pass a function pointer with generic arguments?

c function-pointers

Call base virtual method by pointer to function from derived class

Why is it not possible to store a function pointer of a base class?

c++ function-pointers

function pointer to a function which has variable argument list

Converting overloaded function is ambiguous

Pointer to deque<int>::push_back

Optimizing out helper functions

Do function pointers remain valid across processes?

"reference to function" as result of a function

Forward member function to static method

Pick the right overload when passing function pointer to algorithm

C++ Function Pointer as Default Template Argument

How can I expose C functions to a custom virtual machine?

C++ Own Observer Pattern

Passing template function pointer to template as template parameter is too verbose