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Is there a good Object Pascal mode for Emacs?

emacs freepascal delphi

Anyone with a C#, Delphi or FreePascal implementation of the PRESENT Ultra-Lightweight Block Cipher encryption?

How can I compile 64-bit Mac programs with Free Pascal?

macos 64-bit freepascal

Predefined symbol to select between Lazarus and Delphi

Automatically create Delphi/Freepascal interface unit from C header file

delphi pascal freepascal hdf5

Most common docblock for Delphi and/or FreePascal code

String to byte array in UTF-8?

utf-8 lazarus freepascal

Delphi Data type too large: exceeds 2 GB in Berlin Update 2

Delphi / Pascal Example for Calling OpenSSL EVP functions

Does Freepascal really use *far* less memory than gcc

g++ freepascal fpc

How to call a list of the physically attached hard disks using Free Pascal, or, failing that, Delphi?

delphi freepascal lazarus

Single-source unit tests for Free Pascal and Delphi

Delphi Dependency Injection: Framework vs Delegating Constructor

Why Pascal const arrays aren't actually constants?

What is Free Pascal's equivalent of Delphi's TStopWatch?

Where can I find a "Turbo" or "Lite" version of Delphi?

delphi lazarus freepascal

How to detect memory leaks in Free Pascal/Lazarus?

Returning a value in Pascal

pascal freepascal

Is there a simplistic way to extract numbers from a string following certain rules?

delphi lazarus freepascal

Why do Delphi and Free Pascal usually prefer a signed-integer data type to unsigned one?

delphi pascal freepascal