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sendto() dgrams do not block for ENOBUFS on OSX

macos sockets unix freebsd

Developing web application using Objective-C on FreeBSD

Using system calls from C, how do I get the utilization of the CPU(s)?

c freebsd

How to get the system library path on Unix (Linux, FreeBSD)

How to get list of open posix shared memory segments in FreeBSD

c posix shared-memory freebsd

FreeBSD syscall clobbering more registers than Linux? Inline asm different behaviour between optimization levels

POSIX: Pipe syscall in FreeBSD vs Linux

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Version control of a web server config files

What is the purpose of calling fcntl() be called with the file descriptor as -1 and cmd as F_GETFL?

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Getting GCC in C++11 mode to work on FreeBSD

c++ c++11 gcc freebsd libstdc++

Is there an API to access the ZFS filesystem

freebsd zfs

How do I make Bash history permanent under FreeBSD?

bash freebsd

Why would connect() give intermittent EINVAL on port to FreeBSD?

FreeBSD on Google Compute Engine

MySQL Galera node not starting (aborting with Error 'WSREP: [...]: 60: failed to reach primary view: 60 (Operation timed out)')

mysql unix freebsd galera

O_DIRECT vs. O_SYNC on Linux/FreeBSD

c linux freebsd

How to delete lines from file with sed\awk?

linux bash sed awk freebsd

Simple timer to measure seconds an operation took to complete

bash freebsd

Avoiding page faults in IDT hooking

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Warning: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): SSL operation failed with code 1

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