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New posts in fragment-identifier

Why is "#.id" a bad selector in CSS/jQuery yet it works in an HTML anchor?

Keeping history of hash/anchor changes in JavaScript

Maximum length of URL fragments (hash)

Smooth scroll to anchor after loading new page

How to show Ajax requests in URL?

Why does Twitter use a hash and exclamation mark in URLs, and how do they rewrite search URLs?

What are the differences between history.pushState & location.hash? [closed]

Encoding of window.location.hash

Remove fragment in URL with JavaScript w/out causing page reload

changing location.hash with jquery ui tabs

Parsing URL hash/fragment identifier with JavaScript

Change hash without reload in jQuery

How does facebook rewrite the source URL of a page in the browser address bar?

Remove hash from url

Detecting Back Button/Hash Change in URL

How can I remove the location hash without causing the page to scroll?

ASP.Net MVC RedirectToAction with anchor

List of valid characters for the fragment identifier in an URL?


Handle URL anchor change event in js

Can you use hash navigation without affecting history?