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New posts in form-for

How to pass arbitrary (non model attribute) values to a rails action?

ruby-on-rails form-for

How to add current_user to user_id to form_for in rails?

ruby-on-rails form-for

Rails 4 has_one association form not building

Submit button does not work unless I refresh the page form_for Rails

Rails 3 nested resource route problem as form_for

STI and form_for problem

ruby-on-rails form-for sti

Rails: form_for namespaced resource

Rails 3: using non-Active Record objects with form_for

Rails 4: fields_for in fields_for

Form_for with :multipart => true spits out

ruby-on-rails form-for

Nested resources in namespace form_for

Custom name for params hash from Rails form_for

ruby-on-rails form-for

Change html form id generated by form_for rails 3.1

When using shallow routes, different routes require different form_for arguments

ruby-on-rails-3 form-for

Ruby on rails: singular resource and form_for

Rails not editable text field

Rails: Custom text for rails form_for label

form_for with nested resources

rails simple_form - hidden field - create?