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Rails not editable text field

I have a form_for written in the following manner:

<div class="field">     <%= location.label :city %>     <%= location.text_field :city, :disabled=>true%> </div> <div class="field">     <%= location.label :country %>     <%= location.text_field :country, :disabled=>true%> </div> 

As you can see the 2 textfield are disabled because they are autofilled by a jquery function and I don't want let the user handle them. The problem is that in this way, the view doesen't pass that parameters to the controller because are disabled !!! Is there any other way to pass not editable text_field to the controller, taking care that I don't want to use hidden field because I want to show the results to the user inside a textbox


like image 680
Joe Avatar asked Apr 11 '11 10:04


2 Answers

Make it readonly !

<%= location.text_field :country,:readonly => true%> 
like image 199
krunal shah Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 12:09

krunal shah

The trick is to use "object" in conjunction with a label for anything you don't want to change. Here is how you should code it:

<%= location.label(:country, f.object.country) %> 
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mshasib Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09
