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New posts in fields-for

Rails with simple_form: add new table row with link_to_add

Rails: multi level nested Forms (accepts nested attributes)

How can I stop a fields_for nested form duplicating with records added?

grouping and fields_for

Plural for fields_for has_many association not showing in view

Get object value with nested_form

Rails -- fields_for not working?

Rails 3: nested_form, collection_select, accepts_nested_attributes_for and fields_for

Absolutely stuck trying to create nested association in rails form with has_many through

Fields_for dynamic label

ruby-on-rails fields-for

rails 3 form_for doesn't output anything

Indexing on nested form with multiple `fields_for`

using fields_for in several places

How do I change the html tag and class generated by fields_for?

Fields_for disappear when adding accepts_nested_attributes_for

Forms to create and update Mongoid array fields

Rails 4: fields_for in fields_for

How should I use rails and simple_form for nested resources?

using an array with fields_for

fields_for not rendering - rails 3