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take snapshot of display object visible area in flash

Using operating system fonts inside a flash application without embedding it

flash flex4 font-face

WebView won't play embedded flash video

AIR, Flex - how to check if regex is valid

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Is it possible to use FFMPEG to generate F4V videos?

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Flash Builder 4.6 issue: Access to undefined property - clean its not the answer

Are off-stage DisplayObjects in Flash still slowing down my game?

How to figure out song's patterns (rythm) using AS3 SoundMixer.computeSpectrum? [closed]

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How modify Perlin Noise [see example in thread]

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Drawing game Flash AS3

How can I glue() a ZeroClipboard clip to a newly inserted element?

Away3D Stage3DProxy drawing order

AS3 TextField and TextFormat memory leak "other bitmap memory"

Is there a way to make text characters flush to the top of their bounding box in HTML5?

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How to identify requests made by a Flash vs. JavaScript client?

Flex Framework - How to tell if user is using cached framework?

Firefox hide embeded object bug workaround?

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Embedded Flash Security

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ruby on rails 3.1 move .swf to asset pipeline?