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How to identify requests made by a Flash vs. JavaScript client?

On a server, is it possible to identify requests made by a Flash client running in the browser vs. requests made by a regular XMLHttpRequest?

I noticed that requests made using a flash, have this header:


Is this a standard header, or is this is behavior different for different browsers \ flash versions?

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Lizozom Avatar asked Oct 29 '22 09:10


1 Answers

You can use HTTP header Referer to check whether a request is made by Flash or JavaScript. If a request is made by Flash, then the Referer would be the URL of the .swf object. Thus, if the Referer URL contains .swf resource, the request must come from Flash.

According to ActionScript 3.0 document, Referer is a restricted header and cannot be defined by end user. In JavaScript side, unless hacked by JS programmer, it is very unlikely to see an HTTP request whose Referer is .../xxx.swf.

For X-Requested-With, it is not a standard HTTP header and cannot be trusted. Even in URLRequest API, X-Requested-With is not restricted and can be defined by end user, refer to doc.

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shaochuancs Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
