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New posts in firefox-addon

Python Using Adblock with Selenium and Firefox Webdriver

Firefox addon to execute Javascript on specified pages?

Install WebExtensions on Firefox from the command line

Where to find source code of Mozilla NoScript extension?

firefox firefox-addon

cross-browser extension development alternatives

How do you use a firefox plugin within a selenium webdriver program written in java?

Firefox / Firebug's "console.log" always returns 'undefined' [closed]

How to write FireFox extension with Visual Studio using C# programming language?

Progressive web app(PWA) vs Electron vs Browser extension

How do I set up JSONP?

event.keyCode alternative

Firefox Addon console.log() Not working

Inspecting WebSocket frames in an undetectable way

Firefox addon inline installation from website

Zero-configuration, automated, random testing tools for web-apps?

Disable cache on specific domains?


Unit Testing a Firefox Addon

Changing Window.prototype.open in a way that isn't detectable/reversible

Set custom protocol handler in Firefox?

firefox firefox-addon