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New posts in firefox-addon

JSFiddle error: Please use POST request - after NoScript's XSS warning

firefox-addon xss jsfiddle

IntelliJ Firefox Web Extensions Development

Pixel perfect (firebug addon) alternative

Firefox add-ons: how to install my own local add-on (extension) permanently in Firefox?

Firefox Extensions - best practices [closed]

javascript firefox-addon

Is there a browser extension to get all the CSS that is applied to a DOM element?

JavaScript `of` Keyword (for...of loops)

Increase (youtube flash) video's sound volume by means of JavaScript

How can I construct an object using an array of values for parameters, rather than listing them out, in JavaScript?

How can a Firefox extension get its own version number programmatically?

Accessing Variables from Greasemonkey to Page & vice versa

How to access Firefox Extension I added in Selenium Webdriver?

Extracting an image from a running Flash SWF file?

firefox firefox-addon flash

Can I create a firefox plugin using Python? [duplicate]

python firefox-addon

Check if a Firefox 3.5 add-on is enabled

How can I filter out errors from the Firefox Browser Console?

File System access from Firefox Extension


Intercept and modify DOM before page is displayed to user

HTTP Post Multipart Tool for testing

document.activeElement not available on firefox addon's content script only for Gmail