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New posts in firefox-addon

Capture system sound from browser

about config preferences and js

localStorage in a Firefox extension

Displaying multiline notifications

How to debug Firefox extension

Add a Keyboard Shortcut to Firefox Extension

ReferenceError: require is not defined

Which is faster, XPath or Regexp?

How to load file from inside Firefox plugin

Greasemonkey @require jQuery not working "Component not available"

Firebug is not working with Firefox version 50.0

Create Firefox addon to fix broken webpage on the fly

html firefox firefox-addon

Firefox Extension: Error calling executeScript on file but not code

Debugging greasemonkey-like scripts

DOMContentLoaded event firing twice for a single page load

inserting local css file with firefox extension

Inspect Websocket Frames with Firefox Quantum

Load additional CSS file through browser add on?

css firefox-addon firebug

Replicating Google Chrome Browser Actions popup Effect in a Firefox Extension

Firefox extensions & XUL: get page source code