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New posts in firefox-addon

Retrieve and Modify content of an XMLHttpRequest

Finding the tab associated with a DOM window

How to reach used cipher key of current SSL connection under Firefox?

firefox ssl firefox-addon

Parsing FB-Purity's Firefox idb (Indexed Database API) object_data blob from Linux bash

Communication between firefox extension and page javascript

Setting HTTP headers from a Firefox extension

How to reference a file in the data directory of a Firefox extension?

Firefox Addon API for Taking Screenshot

firefox plugin that records traffic

Changing Firefox addon install icon

Webdriver stops working on upgrading Firefox

How do I publish a Greasemonkey script as a Firefox add-on?

Relative image url in content script in Firefox Add-On SDK

Problems in modifying and adding extension to firefox

firefox firefox-addon

Adding screenshot functionality to a firefox extension

JavaScript/JQuery communicate with SerialPort/COM1

I need some tool to view HTTP requests

Getting current browser url in Firefox Addon

Cannot create inline Web Worker in Firefox 35 addon