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New posts in firefox-addon

How to use Flowplayer functions in a content script?

Firefox Extension Addon SDK combine multiple 'Action Buttons'

How to share code between content script and addon?

Panel positioning with the Firefox Add-on SDK

Firefox Addons SDK - How to access simple storage from content script?

How to modify http response in Firefox extension

firefox firefox-addon

document.body.addEventListener is not working

javascript firefox-addon

How do I run Firefox inspector within an iFrame?

Console doesn't log js errors from content script

Parse addon id from mozilla.rsa file

Playing a sound in a Firefox add-on

audio firefox-addon

Replicate the functionality of Java's "Pattern.quote" in a JavaScript RegExp [duplicate]

Google Analytics to track FireFox extension use

Inject a CSS file into a webpage via firefox extension

Play audio from firefox extension's data directory

How can I activate the Firefox debugger?

How to develop firefox addon using angularjs

How do I get a specific error for corrupt Firefox extensions?

Selenium webdriver: firefox headless inject javascript to modify browser property

Firefox extension: Cancel requests and emit fake responses