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New posts in firefox-addon

Grep a page in firefox using javascript

How to properly send data to an opened Firefox sidebar?

XMLHttpRequest from Firefox WebExtension

JavaScript - how Greasemonkey works

get the document html elements in firefox addon

How to filter out iframes in an Add-on SDK extension?

How to measure firefox add-on memory usage

Why doesn't ContentScriptFile work in PageMod?

Can I have an XUL panel without a shadow in my Firefox extension?

firefox firefox-addon xul

Using XPCOM components from Mozilla Add-on SDK

Are events generated by Firefox extension 'trusted'?

innerHTML: How To Avoid

Firefox Addon - Send message from webpage to background script

How can I display text over toolbar button for a firefox addon?

firefox firefox-addon xul

Firefox WebExtension toolbar buttons to toggle sidebars

Very high downloads of spell check add-ons


Cancel an HTTP GET request from Firefox Extension

http firefox firefox-addon

Downloading files with a Firefox addon

firefox firefox-addon

Interprocess communication between browser extension and native application

browser.tabs is undefined in firefox extension