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New posts in findbugs

Gradle PMD Checkstyle Findbugs - Which sourceSet directory to work Java build

gradle checkstyle findbugs pmd

Warn on Logging security Info

FindBugs - Redundant Comparison to null

java code-analysis findbugs

Android Studio - FindBugs excludeFilter file is working for IDEA plugin, but not for Gradle plugin

Hiding non-java classes from findbugs

java maven-2 scala findbugs

How to teach findbugs to understand IoC fields properly?

java findbugs

DD anomaly, and cleaning up database resources: is there a clean solution?

jdbc findbugs pmd dataflow

Import FindBugs configuration from Sonar to Maven

java maven sonarqube findbugs

How to run Checkstyle, Findbugs, or PMD programmatically on file *content*

Is it possible to run FindBugs against only one Java class?

Does the FindBugs EI_EXPOSE_REP bug only concern Date?

How to configure a custom findbugs task in gradle with a different pluginClasspath

gradle findbugs

sonar findbugs heap size

sonarqube findbugs

Can FindBugs be used to flag code that uses a method that's been blacklisted?

java findbugs

Something like FindBugs for .NET/C# [duplicate]

c# .net findbugs