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New posts in finalizer

How do I write proper destructors and finalizers?

Finalizer not called after unhandled exception even with CriticalFinalizerObject

c# .net finalizer

How to use PhantomReference as finalize() Replacement

AppDomain.Unload throws in Finalizer?

c# appdomain finalizer

Why "Finalize method should not reference any other objects"?

(.net) CriticalFinalizerObject - What does it really do?

c# .net vb.net dispose finalizer

How to identify the GC Finalizer thread?

Aren't destructors guaranteed to finish running?

c# destructor finalizer

In what situation(s) would a reference point to an object that was queued for garbage collection?

When would dispose method not get called?

In .NET, can a finalizer be run even if an object's constructor never ran?

c# .net c++-cli finalizer

Can I prevent an uncaught exception in another AppDomain from shutting down the application?

Will this be a valid base class for IDisposable

'Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer' when opening MapActivity

java: wait(), notify() and synchronized blocks

Disposing MemoryCache in Finalizer throws AccessViolationException

Is closing the connection in finalize best practice? [duplicate]

Release Excel Object In My Destructor

What are the Finalizer Queue and Control+ThreadMethodEntry?

Xamarin Android Finalizer not getting called when leaving the activity to go to another Activity

c# android xamarin finalizer