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Disposing MemoryCache in Finalizer throws AccessViolationException

EDIT See edit note at the bottom of the question for additional detail.

Original question

I have a CacheWrapper class which creates and holds onto an instance of the .NET MemoryCache class internally.

MemoryCache hooks itself into AppDomain events, so it will never be garbage-collected unless it is explicitly disposed. You can verify this with the following code:

Func<bool, WeakReference> create = disposed => {
    var cache = new MemoryCache("my cache");
    if (disposed) { cache.Dispose(); }
    return new WeakReference(cache);

// with false, we loop forever. With true, we exit
var weakCache = create(false);
while (weakCache.IsAlive)
    "Still waiting...".Dump();
"Cleaned up!".Dump();

Because of the behavior, I believe that my MemoryCache instance should be treated as an unmanaged resource. In other words, I should ensure that it is disposed in the finalizer of CacheWrapper (CacheWrapper is itself Disposable follows the standard Dispose(bool) pattern).

However, I am finding that this causes issues when my code runs as part of an ASP.NET app. When the application domain is unloaded, the finalizer runs on my CacheWrapper class. This in turn attempts to dispose the MemoryCache instance. This is where I run into issues. It seems that Dispose attempts to load some configuration information from IIS, which fails (presumably because I'm in the midst of unloading the app domain, but I'm not sure. Here's the stack dump I have:

    SP               IP               Function
    000000298835E6D0 0000000000000001 System_Web!System.Web.Hosting.UnsafeIISMethods.MgdGetSiteNameFromId(IntPtr, UInt32, IntPtr ByRef, Int32 ByRef)+0x2
    000000298835E7B0 000007F7C56C7F2F System_Web!System.Web.Configuration.ProcessHostConfigUtils.GetSiteNameFromId(UInt32)+0x7f
    000000298835E810 000007F7C56DCB68 System_Web!System.Web.Configuration.ProcessHostMapPath.MapPathCaching(System.String, System.Web.VirtualPath)+0x2a8
    000000298835E8C0 000007F7C5B9FD52 System_Web!System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPathActual(System.Web.VirtualPath, Boolean)+0x142
    000000298835E940 000007F7C5B9FABB System_Web!System.Web.CachedPathData.GetPhysicalPath(System.Web.VirtualPath)+0x2b
    000000298835E9A0 000007F7C5B99E9E System_Web!System.Web.CachedPathData.GetConfigPathData(System.String)+0x2ce
    000000298835EB00 000007F7C5B99E19 System_Web!System.Web.CachedPathData.GetConfigPathData(System.String)+0x249
    000000298835EC60 000007F7C5BB008D System_Web!System.Web.Configuration.HttpConfigurationSystem.GetApplicationSection(System.String)+0x1d
    000000298835EC90 000007F7C5BAFDD6 System_Configuration!System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.GetSection(System.String)+0x56
    000000298835ECC0 000007F7C63A11AE System_Runtime_Caching!Unknown+0x3e
    000000298835ED20 000007F7C63A1115 System_Runtime_Caching!Unknown+0x75
    000000298835ED60 000007F7C639C3C5 System_Runtime_Caching!Unknown+0xe5
    000000298835EDD0 000007F7C7628D86 System_Runtime_Caching!Unknown+0x86
    // my code here

Is there any known solution to this? Am I correct in thinking that I do need to dispose the MemoryCache in the finalizer?


This article validates Dan Bryant's answer and discusses many of the interesting details. In particular, he covers the case of StreamWriter, which faces a similar scenario to mine because it wants to flush it's buffers upon disposal. Here's what the article says:

Generally speaking, finalizers may not access managed objects. However, support for shutdown logic is necessary for reasonably-complex software. The Windows.Forms namespace handles this with Application.Exit, which initiates an orderly shutdown. When designing library components, it is helpful to have a way of supporting shutdown logic integrated with the existing logically-similar IDisposable (this avoids having to define an IShutdownable interface without any built-in language support). This is usually done by supporting orderly shutdown when IDisposable.Dispose is invoked, and an abortive shutdown when it is not. It would be even better if the finalizer could be used to do an orderly shutdown whenever possible.

Microsoft came up against this problem, too. The StreamWriter class owns a Stream object; StreamWriter.Close will flush its buffers and then call Stream.Close. However, if a StreamWriter was not closed, its finalizer cannot flush its buffers. Microsoft "solved" this problem by not giving StreamWriter a finalizer, hoping that programmers will notice the missing data and deduce their error. This is a perfect example of the need for shutdown logic.

All that said, I think that it should be possible to implement "managed finalization" using WeakReference. Basically, have your class register a WeakReference to itself and a finalize action with some queue when the object is created. The queue is then monitored by a background thread or timer which calls the appropriate action when it's paired WeakReference gets collected. Of course, you'd have to be careful that your finalize action doesn't inadvertantly hold onto the class itself, thus preventing collection altogether!

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ChaseMedallion Avatar asked Oct 08 '14 19:10


2 Answers

You can't Dispose managed objects in the finalizer, as they might have already been finalized (or, as you've seen here, portions of the environment may no longer be in the state you're expecting.) This means that if you contain a class which must be Disposed explicitly, your class must also be Disposed explicitly. There's no way to 'cheat' and make the Disposal automatic. Unfortunately, garbage collection is, in cases like this, a leaky abstraction.

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Dan Bryant Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Dan Bryant

I would suggest that objects with finalizers should generally not be exposed to the outside world, and should only hold strong references to things which are actually needed for finalization and are not exposed to anything in the outside world that is not expecting them to be used for that purpose. Public-facing types should not have finalizers themselves, but should instead encapsulate cleanup logic within privately-held instances of finalizable classes whose purpose is to encapsulate such logic.

The only time it really makes sense for a finalizer to attempt to clean up a resource which is owned by another object is when the other object is designed to interface with the finalizer. I can't think of any places where Framework classes have engineered in the proper hooks, but will offer an example how Microsoft could have engineered them to do so.

A File object could offer an event with thread-safe subscribe and unsubscribe methods which would fire (notifying the last subscriber first) when the File object receives either a Dispose call or a finalize request. The event would fire between the time Finalize is called and the time the encapsulated file is actually closed, and could be used by a an external buffering class as a signal that it needs to give the File any information which it has received but not yet passed along.

Note that to make such a thing work properly and safely, it would be necessary that the part of the File object which has the finalizer not be exposed to the public, and that it use a long weak reference to ensure that if it runs while the public-facing object is still alive, it will reregister itself for finalization. Note that if the only reference to a WeakReference object is stored in a finalizable object, its Target property may be invalidated if the finalizable object becomes eligible for finalization even if the actual target of the reference is still alive. Defective design, IMHO, and one which must be worked around somewhat carefully.

It's possible to design objects with finalizers that can cooperate (the easiest way to do it, generally, is to only have one object in the group sport a finalizer), but if things aren't designed to cooperate with finalizers, the best that one can do is generally have a finalizer sound an alarm indicating "This object wasn't supposed to be Disposed but wasn't; because it wasn't, resources are going to leak, and there's nothing to be done about it except fix the code to dispose the object properly in future".

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supercat Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10
