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New posts in filesystems

Keeping database in sync with pictures on filesystem [PHP/Postgresql/Linux]

How can I determine the owner of a file or directory using boost filesystem? [duplicate]

the architecture of on-disk data structures

Will symbolic links created in unix (linux/osx) still working in windows?

Faster way to move file in c++ on linux

Are there any distributed high-availability filesystems (for Linux) that are actively-developed?

How to tell if folder is a subfolder for recursive folder copy?

c++ windows winapi filesystems

Grails watch files doesn't work inside Docker container running inside a Vagrant virtual machine

What's the "atomic disk write" for a Linux filesystem?

linux http nginx filesystems

Wait for a file to be created with a timeout

vb6 filesystems timeout wait

How to fsync or fdatasync in PHP?

php filesystems

Do network file systems pre-fetch ? (Or: Do Internet File System make optimizations to reduce round trips)

Tweaking the behavior of the default file system in Java 7

java io filesystems java-7

Node js check if file is being used by another process

sys.path vs. $PATH

python bash filesystems sys

How to remove some blocks from a sparse file on a ext2/ext3 filesystem

linux filesystems

change a file using node.js

What is the max number of files that can be kept in a single folder, on Win7/Mac OS X/Ubuntu Filesystems?

Converting statvfs to percentage free correctly

c++ c linux filesystems