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Can I change the export to pdf settings in Mathematica 8?

How to force image to text when converting markdown to pdf using pandoc

pdf pandoc figures

Matlab - Close figure windows

matlab figures

MATLAB - best way to dynamically update a line handles' XData and YData?

matlab figures

Add extra whitespace to matlab legend (for use with psfrag)

matlab figures

How to draw good looking arrows in Matlab?

Close all figures in MATLAB, except specific ones.

matlab figure figures

ggplot2 multiline title, different indentations

r ggplot2 indentation figures

Close all figures when a script is running in Matlab

matlab figures

Script to save matlab figures to a specified directory

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knitr: include figures in report *and* output figures to separate files

r knitr r-markdown figures

In LaTeX, is there a way to put a float automatically after where it is first referenced?

latex figures

Python with matplotlib - drawing multiple figures in parallel

python matplotlib figures

Centering only header of LaTeX table

latex figures

Is there a way to get LaTeX to place figures in the same page as a reference to that figure?

latex figures

How to make a hyperlink navigate to the top of the figure in LaTeX when using hyperref?

How do I get the handles of all open figures in MATLAB

prevent plot from showing in jupyter notebook