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New posts in fbml

How to tell if a user is a fan of the fan page

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How to do any type of info sharing from within a Facebook tab?

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Facebook: Invalid mark up on FBML


How to Determine if Facebook User 'Likes' a Certain Page


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facebook iframe App: Send/Like button z-index issue

What does "?fref=jewel" mean at the url of facebook?

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Best IDE for Facebook apps (FMBL and FBJS support)

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Loading Facebook fb:profile-pic via AJAX in Facebook Connect site

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Facebook API's fb:registration returning "Invalid 'client_id'" when not connected to Facebook

Creating "Like" buttons for arbitrary elements on my site, and reading back the status - possible?

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How to remove the "Facebook social plugin" text?

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Why does ie apparently reflow DOM when encountering <fb:xxx> fbml elements when correctly using the fbml xmlns?

Custom skin for facebook like button

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Does HTML5 support namespaces?

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Facebook Like Button On My Website To Like A Facebook Page, Not My Website

Facebook Login Button Vs. OAuth Dialog

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What does "?ref=ts" mean in a Facebook application URL?

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