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How to remove the "Facebook social plugin" text?

I'm using the comments facebook social plugin When I embed it, the script created an iFrame that has the text "Facebook social plugin" with the facebook logo at the bottom (as seen in the image attached below).

I inspected the element using Firebug and tried to set its class to display:none; in my CSS file. However - that does not hide it (I suspect it's because it's in its own iFrame). How can I use CSS or jQuery (or any other method) to disable that text?


Facebook social plugin

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Yuval Karmi Avatar asked Feb 02 '11 01:02

Yuval Karmi

Video Answer

2 Answers

You're overcomplicating things. Small CSS change...

.fb_iframe_widget{overflow: hidden;}
.fb_ltr{margin-bottom: -20px;}


Sidenote - I agree with the warning about legal issues. You shouldn't really do this.

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Brian Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 00:10


You can only control the options given to you by the plugin developer (here, Facebook). Most plugin developers do not allow altering their code and Facebook is one of them. I suggest you stick to what Facebook provides you.

Have a read of the following:

  1. Brand Permissions Center
  2. Facebook Platform Policies
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ifaour Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 23:10
