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New posts in extern

Why does "const extern" give an error?

c99 inline semantics with gcc (mspgcc)

c inline extern

What happens if I use extern "C++" with a C toolchain?

c++ c extern

Is this extern harmless?

c++ c extern

Can we create externs from a full .js file with Google Closure Compiler?

Linkage of various const/static variables

c++ static extern linkage

Can't use cout/endl when extern "C"

c++ extern

Name Mangling in C++

c++ extern

C++ extern: pointer vs. reference

c++ extern

Why do you need to specify type of extern/ static variable at initialization?

c++ static extern

avoiding redefinition of variables for single header

c++ c++11 namespaces extern

Function templates: extern template vs explicit specialisation

c++ templates extern

Why do I get segfaults when declaring a struct globally or extern?

using extern keyword for user defined types in c++

c++ extern

How to use static variable(BOOL) in Objective C

Difference between MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr) and Marshal.PtrToStringUni()

Order of `static` definition and `extern declaration` in a translation unit

c static extern

typedef function pointers and extern keyword

C -- Accessing a non-const through const declaration

c constants extern