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New posts in extension-methods

Extension methods on base generic interfaces

vb.net weird extension method behaviour?

vb.net extension-methods

Generic extension method resolution fails

Is there a way to determine whether a parameter has this modifier?

How to write overloaded generic extension methods for T[], T[][] without ambiguity?

Why doesn't this base type extension work?

Extension method call does not compile, but static method call to same code does compile

C# LINQ SelectMany with Default

c# linq extension-methods func

Using 'Protocol' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'Protocol' is not supported

Extension methods in a class library project

Error message in XSLT with C# extension function

c# clr extension-methods xslt

Weird extension method issue with inheritance

Concise way to do a plus equals operation on a Dictionary element that might not be initialized

Type inference with multiple generic type parameters

No extension method 'First' on derived class

Two extension methods with same name

c# extension-methods

Making extension methods from a third party library obsolete

c# .net dll extension-methods

Is it possible to add behavior to a non-dynamic ActionScript 3 class without inheriting the class?

Is there a better way to create a generic convert string to enum method or enum extension?

c# enums extension-methods

extension method for a method C#