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New posts in existential-type

How to express this type in Scala? Existential with type class (ie, implicit) restriction?

Preventing type-variable proliferation in Haskell

Haskell: Combining existential and universal quantifiers fails unexpectedly

How to specify the type for a heterogenous collection in a GADT formulated AST?

Type abstraction in GHC Haskell

Can I express a subclassing constraint?

Strange type mismatch when using member access instead of extractor

How to work around inability to use lenses with existential types?

How can I ‘convince’ GHC that I've excluded a certain case?

Scala case class copy doesn't always work with `_` existential type

How do existential types overlap with path-dependent types?

Can GADTs (or existentials) without constraints be compiled as tight as untyped ordinary ADTs?

Resolving a Function Call in an Existential Type

Haskell: Record Update for Existential Types

Where is the scaladoc for scala.language.existentials?

scala existential-type

Hiding a State monad's s type parameter

Why scala does not unify this type lambda with underlying type?

scala existential-type

Unwrapping an existentially quantified GADT

Does GHC use dynamic dispatch with existential types?

Reify existential instance type parameter