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New posts in exec

Why are exec and proc_open running under different user on IIS?

php iis exec proc-open

Best way to create child process in linux and handle possible failing

c++ linux fork exec

Running Google Chrome headless with PHP exec doesn’t return output till IIS restarted

python import fails when called from PHP

php python import exec

Ant exec task: How can I read input from console stdin?

ant console exec stdin

Java program (class > .jar) as a Unix shell (in place of sh/bash)?

java bash shell unix exec

Apache Ant: Terminate process started by <exec> when ant process is terminated

windows batch-file ant cmd exec

what is the difference between pcntl_exec and exec in php?

php exec pcntl

Decompress tar file into directory

php exec tar compression

Hooking sys_execve() on Linux 3.x

Using Devel::NYTProf on program that fork/execs

perl exec fork devel-nytprof

How to make destructor-friendly call to exec() in C++?

c++ exec destructor

Linux - fanotify, but for exec()?

linux exec fanotify

Bash variable substitution on find's output through exec

Cross-platform way to run external process from java?

java windows exec

How to write to stdin of execved process?

c exec stdin

PHP Exec SCP does not copy the file to the remote server

php exec scp

execute file from defined directory with Runtime.getRuntime().exec

java shell exec

execute two shell commands in single exec php statement

php exec

How can I achieve bash EXIT trap when exec-ing another binary?

bash exec bash-trap